

Living with houseplants, which I could not do in my apartment in Meguro, is now a dream come true after three years in a local city⭐︎

Electric heater also installed in dog bed
Sorry I didn't get a shot of the cute one

Battery-operated bird Flapping wings

Red enamel pot I bought at the Tokyo Flea Market in November
The front is a moss ball with 
Platycerium bifurcatum

Back yard, snow still on the ground 
Large parasol and table set up in spring

Augusta at the entrance

Automatic watering caps
Large quantities to suit the number of pots

Absence: Goldfish are given a stay-at-home meal

Dogs: Pet hotel with walk/¥5,500/day
without walk/¥3,300/day
stay for a long time, ask for a walk
stay for 2 or 3 days, ask for no walk
When I told my Thai friend about pet hotel rates, he was so surprised at how expensive it is แพงมาก
My friend's family travels all over the world for long periods of time and their pet pit bull is taken care of by a lot of employees
It doesn't matter how expensive it is, my partner dog (Anko) is one of my family member ☆

目黒のマンションでは果たせなかった夢PLANTS  移住後3年でふえた 悩ましい長期不在中の水やり☆

いい女に撮れてない ごめん!

鳥電池内蔵 羽ばたきます




バックヤード 雪が残ってる 


サボテンも育たなかった(育てられられなかった ?)目黒のメゾネットマンションから
築60年戸建てに 移住後YouTube で見かける部屋いっぱいの植物育成やってみたかった 
クワズイモ・ビカクシダ・エバーフレッシュ(ネムノキ)・棒サボテン もっともっと

日々の水やり ビカクシダの浸水ケア3日おき 大変じゃなく 生活のよきルーティン
が、長期不在時の水やりは悩ましい ネットで購入の自動給水キャップ(大量購入)
働きイマイチ 次回の旅までよい方法さがす予定

自動水やりキャップ 鉢の数に合わせて大量

他 不在時 金魚:留守番ごはん投入 10日の不在は?いかに
       犬:ペットホテル 散歩つき/5,500/1日  散歩なし/3,300/1日
      長期なら散歩つきで依頼   2・3日なら散歩なし
タイの友人にペットホテルの料金話したら 高〜い แพงมาก と驚く
そりゃ タイはいいよ 友人はファミリーで世界中長期の旅行してるけど

いいんです高くても 私の相棒犬(あんこ)は私の家族なのだから☆

Around 1990, I saw a square box in Ebisu that grabbed my heart with its unquestionable design

The square box was a Macintosh Classic II! I decided to buy it and immediately told my son, who was to take the high school entrance exam the following year, to buy a Windows PC for me. I promised to get him a PC and other related equipment necessary for communication if he passed the exam, and he did. He is now in his 40s and works for an IT startup, CO.
20 years later, I became an iOS user.

I've had a lot of cell phone changes and my first iPhone was supposed to be an iPhone 3G in 2008?
I've been buying one every 2-3 years for 16 years until I got my current iPhone 14, which is my 5-8th iPhone, I forget.
Now that Steve Jobs gone, I'm not sure if it's the revolutionary design that grabbed my heart or the specs that amazed me, but I'm an iPhone (iOS) addict, so I can't afford to buy every new version of this super expensive product, but when it's announced, my heart goes wild and I always want one.

I wonder if I would be able to live reasonably well even if my cell phone and communication system were suddenly cut off due to the collapse of a base station (which would be a bad omen) since I was born in the Showa Era (I'm an old woman, so I'm likely to be the first to be depressed) and I can live without a washlet (should I????). I sincerely hope that such a disaster situation will not happen anywhere in the future.

Sophisticated and beautiful form

1990年?ころ 恵比寿で 文句なしのデザインが心鷲掴みにする四角い箱をみた☆

Macintosh Classic II だったのね!買うと決めさっそく 翌年高校受験の息子に話すと それならWindowsのPCを買ってくれと 結局 区立高校受かったらPCほか通信環境整える約束し 合格したので買い与えた 現在40代の彼はIT系のスタートアップCO.?に勤務
その後20年時間が経ち 私iOSユーザーに(時系列かなりアバウト)

現在使用のiPhone14まで16年2-3年ごとに買い続け5-8個目かなぁ 忘れた
ジョブズさん亡き今 画期的な心鷲掴み的デザイン私に取っての驚きのスペックないけれど 私・iPhone(iOS)依存症ぽいので 超高額商品で新バージョンのたびに購入無理だけど発表時には心波うつ そしていつも欲しい☆

 とはいっても 昭和の人間なので 突然の基地局の崩壊(縁起でもない)で携帯・通信が遮断されてもそれなりに暮らしていけるかなぁ(老人なので真っ先にへこたれそうでもある)& ウオッシュレットがなくても生きていける(はず???)そんな災害下の状況がにどこの場所にも今後起きないこと心から祈るのみ


96th Annual Academy Awards Ceremony After work, I'll be watching the second half at 8 p.m.☆

My partner Anko is snoring.
'm waiting for the best actors and films (excluding those I haven't seen) to come to my mind.
The result is Emma Stone for Best Actress, her voice is even hoarser tonight, and her dress has a malfunction.
The Best Picture Award went to Oppenheimer. A film about the father of the atomic bomb
I'm going to think about the value of the movie after watching it.
Going to bed now

Entertainment at its best

Emma's co-star Mark Ruffalo (my favorite actor) and I share the joy

Today I will run some errands in the morning and re-watch Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Picture, etc. 
I want to watch the reruns without any information because I want to know who and which film it is.
Since I live alone, I want to know "XX (actor's name) won an award" or "that movie won an award"! I want to know the results myself.
I know the results of soccer and baseball because there is so much information available, but the Academy Awards tend to be enjoyed by a few enthusiasts, so I don't know who the winners are until I watch it.
I was concentrating on the Academy Awards ceremony and it was Tuesday. I couldn't upload this vlog three times a day: 〰️〰️